Cumin carrot salad

I haven’t posted anything for a month. Life has been rough. 1/4 calls for 2 months straight coming up, will aim to make something once a week.

This salad is super simple, refreshing and delicious. Requires 15-20 min of light pickling to soften and flavour the carrots. Once made it can be kept in the fridge for 3-4 days.


Cumin carrot salad
Prep time:
Cook time:
Total time:
  • carrots, 2 medium
  • cilantro
  • salt, 1 tbsp
  • sugar, 1 tbsp
  • vinegar, 5 tbsp
  • sesame oil, 2 tsp
  • sesame, a pinch
  • cumin, a pinch
  1. julienne the carrots, and chop the cilantro
  2. marinate in salt, sugar, vinegar, cover with water and refrigerate for 15 min
  3. drain, add cilantro, cumin, sesame oil, adjust for seasoning and garnish with sesame