12 hours, stranded in Manhattan

I was flying back to Toronto connecting through JFK and I missed my connection. Typical right? Taught me a valuable lesson to never cheap out and take a connecting flight when a direct one is available. Here’s documentation of my 12 hour stay in Manhattan.


8:00 AM, the streets were already busy and loud. Leaving the hotel I was headed to Blue Dog Kitchen for breakfast, after some extensive Yelping of course.


Pumpkin stuffed brioche french toast fuelled my bloodstream with glucose. With my belly happily full, time to walk off some that that calories in Central Park.


I tried to find the bridge in Enchanted, but no luck. There’s a violinist hiding underneath the shadows of the bridge.


Windy chilly days are best spent in doors. I spend the next 2 hours inside the comfort of the Met. The grandiosity of the museum cannot be experienced in the span of 2 hours. I got an audio guide and spent most my time strolling through modern european art: vincent van gogh, paul gauquin, monet, picasso, matisse, rousseau. I love the diversity of impressionists and post impressionists painters, especially drawn to bright and bold coloured works with social messages.


Leaving the Met I walked through Madison and Park Ave and took a rest stop at The East Pole Kitchen. Enjoyed a delicious and fresh crab avocado toast on sour dough, goat cheesecake and a glass of dolcetto.


Happily stuffed. Moving on to (window) shopping on fifth. St.Patricks is simply gorgeous.


The sun came out form behind the clouds finally! I can see blue sky!


The next rest stop was Bryant Park with a slice of Lady M’s green tea mille crepe. Is that a piece of hair in that photo? I sure hope not…After spending some time at the public library, times square, the disney store, time to pick up my luggage and head home. The flight was delayed once again, but I landed home in one piece.


Never know where life will take you. Perfect example of misfortunate as blessing in misguide.